Shervin Molayem
Periodontist, Bedford Dental Group, Beverly Hills, California, USA
Journal of Oral Medicine and Dental Research (ISSN- 2583-4061) (Crossref DOI Prefix 10.52793) (H-Index: 2) Impact factor: 3.18 is a peer-reviewed open-access journal covering all aspects of dentistry. Journal of Oral Medicine and Dental Research is a medical journal aimed to publish original scientific research papers including, short communications, review articles, case reports, and clinical and laboratory studies in all fields of dentistry.
Journal of Oral Medicine and Dental Research publishes all the articles with the utmost quality and transparency of current information and is freely available to researchers worldwide. The mission of this journal is to spread knowledge covering a wide range of fields on like clinical studies and experimental research in dentistry and related disciplines, including operative dentistry, biomaterials, periodontics, prosthodontics, pediatric dentistry, restorative dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery, and oral pathology, Dental Hygienist & Atrial Fibrillation.
Editor spotlight
Journal of Oral Medicine and Dental Research upholds an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are professionals in the arena of study.
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© 2023 genesis pub. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 DEED | Open Access
Periodontist, Bedford Dental Group, Beverly Hills, California, USA
Associate Professor, Institute for Research in Dental Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
Adjunct Professor, Department of Dentistry, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of Athens, Greece
Orthodontist, The Oxford Dental College, Bangalore, India
General Dentist, Specialist Medical Centre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Associate Professor, Department of Dentistry, Kodagu Institute of Medical Sciences, Karnataka, India
Prophylaxis DSSA, MTI University, Egypt
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dental School at Araraquara, UNESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Periodontist, Bedford Dental Group, Beverly Hills, California, USA
Member of the Service of Dentistry and Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery, Specialty of Periodontology, San Joaquin UC Medical Center, UC / Christus Health Network, Faculty of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile
Implantologist Surgeon and Forensic Dentist Practices, Italy
Associate Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Dokuz Eylul University School of Dentistry, Turkey
Director of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Maimonides, Argentina; Clinic Specialized in Bucomaxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology, Consultorio Odontologico Dr. Eduardo Rey, Argentina; Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology, Argentina
Assistant Professor, Maharana Pratap Dental College, India
Adjunct Professor Nebraska-Lincoln University USA; Sports and Regenerative Orthopaedic Surgeon, HYGEIA Hospital, Athens, Greece
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Associate Professor of the Specialty of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology at the University of Maimonides (UMAI); Specialist in Surgery and Traumatology BMF, Argentina
Owner, Dentist, Salvatore La Terra Dental Practice, Ragusa, Ragusa, Italy
Clinical Observership in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Head and Neck Surgery, Leeds Teaching Hospitals, NHS Trust, United Kingdom
Dentist, Kalawegh Center, Saudi Arabia
BDS; MSc (Clinical practice) (London); DClinDent (Paediatric dentistry) (London); MPaed Dent RCS (Edinburgh)
Assistant Professor - Paediatric Dentsitry (Dow International Dental college)
Clinical Fellow, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Division of Oncology, University, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, United States of America
Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) | School of Dentistry, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBMU), Tehran, Iran
Doctorate Degree in Dentistry, Department of Dental Materials and Prosthetics, School of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto of the university of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.
Editor-In-Chief, Prosthodontist & Oral Implantologist, Saudi German Hospital, Saudi Arabia
Endodontist, Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Bangaluru, India
Digital Dentistry Consultant, Perio Implantologist, Lecturer at Digital Dentistry Schoology, Egypt
Background: Enamel microhardness can be ..
Background: Temporomandibular disorder ..
The purpose of this case report ..
Supernumerary teeth are known as an ..
Introduction: Gingival recession, ..
Backgound: While in-home tooth ..
Porcelain veneers are a popular ..
Background: Because musculoskeletal ..
Vascular anomalies of the soft tissue, ..
Pierre Robin Syndrome (PRS) is a ..
The aim of this study is to evaluate ..
Implant overdentures offer a practical ..
Clear aligners have proven to be an ..
Introduction: With the improvement ..
Background Malocclusion, a common oral ..
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Background: Enamel microhardness can be reduced after orthodontic treatment caused by enamel ..
Clear aligners have proven to be an effective tool in orthodontics, but the predictability of ..
Background Malocclusion, a common oral condition, can result from genetic or environmental ..
Introduction: With the improvement in knowledge about dental caries, various approaches such ..
Implant overdentures offer a practical and effective solution for edentulous patients with limited ..
The aim of this study is to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and readability of the answers ..
Pierre Robin Syndrome (PRS) is a congenital condition characterized by micrognathia, glossoptosis, ..
Vascular anomalies of the soft tissue, encompassing malformations and tumors, arise from errors in ..
Porcelain veneers are a popular cosmetic dentistry solution known for enhancing the appearance of ..
Backgound: While in-home tooth whitening with peroxide-based strips has been practiced for many ..
Background: Because musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are common among dental clinicians, there ..
Introduction: Fixed orthodontic appliances are increasingly in demand. However, there are several ..
Introduction: Gingival recession, characterized by the apical migration of gingival tissues from ..
Supernumerary teeth are known as an anomaly related to the number of teeth where there is an ..
The purpose of this case report is to describe the treatment of a Class III malocclusion in ..
Background: Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a multifactorial disease often linked to ..
If given the choice, nearly 80% of patients would prefer zirconia implants over titanium, citing ..
The FDI World Dental Federation chose Istanbul, a city where East meets West, as the backdrop for ..
The management of deep caries lesions has evolved significantly, focusing on preserving tooth ..
The pandemic's lessons enforced the idea of a virtual dental patient, advising us to cut down ..
Introduction: Neuro-Occlusal Rehabilitation (NOR) is a therapeutic approach to stomatognathic ..
Crowning an endodontically treated tooth is quite challenging especially in cases of badly decayed ..
This article is a review on the various developmental anomalies related to shape of the teeth, and ..
Managing osseous defects that are a result of periodontal diseases, especially when the ..
Porcelain crowns represent a significant advancement in restorative dentistry, offering benefits ..
Objective: To evaluate the relationship between postoperative pain and quality of sleep and its ..
Achieving a strong and durable bond between dental restorations and dentin is critical for ..
Dental implants have revolutionized restorative dentistry, providing patients with improved ..
Dental implants with exclusive apical fixation are increasingly used as a solution for treating ..
Dentistry, particularly in the intricate worlds of orthodontics and implantology, is a high-stakes ..
Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the supporting tissues of the tooth caused by specific ..
The history of maxillofacial implants dates back to ancient civilizations where rudimentary ..
The dental caries is a multifactorial microbial disease of the hard structure of teeth, which ..
The problem of halitosis or what is commonly called bad breath affects up to 17% of Nigerians, ..
Root canal therapy (RCT) is a crucial procedure in endodontics aimed at treating pulp and ..
Dental anxiety encompasses fear, anxiety, or stress related to dental visits, often leading to ..
Oral diseases, especially dental caries and gum disease, are among the top ten causes of disease in ..
The rapid advancements in technology, the dental industry has seen significant changes in recent ..
Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSMF) is a chronic, progressive, scarring disease associated with chronic ..
Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common benign tumor of the salivary glands. Its main location is in ..
CRISPR-Cas9 technology has revolutionized genome editing and holds immense potential for ..
To study the result of utilizing two impression materials of various stiffness with three ..
Artificial intelligence particularly the deep learning, is the cognitive function that mimics the ..
Tooth extraction or exodontia, despite the massive advances in restorative dentistry, is still one ..
Every day we see young patients who come for cosmetic reasons, complaining of unsightly stains on ..
Several techniques have been developed to enhance the buccal gingival breadth, gingival height and ..
Evaluation of the impact of abutment disconnections / reconnections on peri- implant marginal bone ..
The connection between oral health and systemic well-being is increasingly recognized in ..
The objective of this was to determine the effects of educational, preventive and motivational ..
Silver diamine fluoride products (SDF) are used to arrest dental caries in deep carious lesions as ..
In this study, transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) was located and measured in human ..
Graft materials are in use in dentistry to rehabilitate the bone loss which crop up in the oral ..
The act of smoking has been widely recognized as a significant risk factor for the development of ..
This study's goal is to determine how well UV therapy works for placing dental implants. ..
Introduction: The study aimed to assess the frequency of postoperative pain after endodontic ..
Periodontal diseases pose a significant challenge to oral and general health with their ..
In Uganda, women continue to have the highest prevalence of oral illnesses (42.4%) compared to the ..
The field of epigenetics has really come to fruition this century thanks to advances particularly ..
Purpose: Modern dentistry has witnessed, a rapid and continuing evolution. Concerning the implant- ..
Canine impactions/ ectopic canines are always challenging yet demanding to de-impact and most would ..
Background: Face-masks have been one of the pillars for reducing the spread of COVID-19 by limiting ..
Perforation of the maxillary sinus membrane is a common complication during sinus lifting ..
Infective endocarditis is known to be a serious complication, mostly in patients who are ..
Context: In today’s era of evident-based minimally invasive dentistry, reattachment of the ..
Background: Dental implants have traditionally been focused on bone quality and quantity to house ..
Objective: Orthodontic treatment aims not only to treat one's malocclusion and facial ..
Diabetes mellitus (type II) is a metabolic disorder that affects the physiological functions of the ..
Abstract Background: Impacted or blocked out teeth present a challenge in orthodontic ..
This case report describes the successful multidisciplinary treatment of an adult orthodontic ..
The study of rickets led to the discovery of vitamin D, which is a fat-soluble steroid hormone, ..
Some Ameloblastomas are benign but turn out to be recurrent tumors, the importance of which lies in ..
The use of mesenchymal stem cells in regenerative medicine is at the forefront of both stem cell ..
Introduction: The incidence of Oral Sub Mucous Fibrosis (OSF) is commonly seen in the Indian ..
Objective: To identify the readiness, preference, and perception of undergraduate Egyptian ..
Objectives: This study was conducted in Sana'a city, Yemen to detect the prevalence of early ..
When composite resin hardens by light curing, it shrinks and undergoes deformation which occurs in ..
Since the emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections in ..
Curcumin, the main bioactive ingredient in turmeric, has been used to treat multiple diseases and ..
Teeth develop in the mammalian embryo via a series of interactions between the odontogenic ..
Abstract Antiresorptives (bisphosphonates: BPs, denosumab: DS)induce a marked inhibition of bone ..
Aim: The present study calculate the incidence of occurrence of oro-facial cleft patients in King ..
In recent years, for the restoration of lost teeth, dental implants have been used instead of fixed ..
A variety of dental and periodontal indices and parameters are used along with radiographs for the ..
Objectives: Dentists and patients are frequently confronted by a difficult treatment decision: ..