Control of the Contact Points of Teeth

Ahmed El-Magraby*
Ahmed El-Magraby, Specialist in Dental Fabrication Technology, Ministery of Health Cairo, Cairo, Saudi Arabia
*Corresponding author: Ahmed El-Magraby, Specialist in Dental Fabrication Technology, Ministry of Health Cairo, Cairo, Saudi Arabia.
Citation: Ahmed El-Magraby. (2021) Specialist in Dental Fabrication Technology, Ministery of Health Cairo, Cairo, Saudi Arabia. J Oral Med and Dent Res. 2(1):1-05.
Received: June 09, 2021 | Published: June 28, 2021
Copyright© 2021 genesis pub by El-Magraby A. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 DEED. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License., This allows others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as they credit the authors for the original creation.
Rational Method for Control of the Contact Points
Optical illusion n°1
Photo n° 1: It happens quite often, when reproducing two upper central incisors, that the height of the crowns will not be the same. When the periodontal necks are not at the same level, the reconstruction of two crowns of the same length and with their cervical curvature also at the same level will emphasize this lack of balance. This is particularly unpleasant with a gingival smile.
Photo n° 2: In order to create an optical illusion and to reestablish harmony when smiling, it is sufficient to slightly reduce the mesial angle of the longer tooth. It will not be necessary to modify the function and the incisal guidance since a little bit of selective grinding it all there is required.
Photo n° 3: To reinforce this optical illusion it will be necessary to shift the cervical curvatures of the teeth. The curvature of the shorter tooth will approach more its periodontal border, whereas the curvature of the longer tooth will be farther away from its periodontal border but shall be placed higher up than the curvature of the shorter tooth.
Photo n° 4: The light reflection on the cervical curvatures and on the shorter mesial angle will give the illusion of two teeth of similar length but not in the same position. Thus a balance and harmony will again be produced when the patient smiles. This optical illusion will take its entire dimension when you look at the teeth with the dark background of the oral cavity.
Optical illusion 2
Photo n° 1: It is sometimes necessary to change the axis of a tooth in relation to its implantation. This situation is frequent in implantology. On the drawing n° 1, the axis of the implant is too vertical, the tooth thus not having a natural implantation.
Photo n° 2: In order to incline the axis of the tooth more naturally it is sufficient to design a more oblique median axis with the red pencil and to selectively grind on the streaked areas, as can be seen on the drawing n° 2. The light reflection will take place on this oblique axis, creating the illusion of a more naturally inclined tooth.
Photo n° 3: In order to accentuate this optical phenomenon, it will be necessary to do the same with the line angles of the tooth shape. These angles shall be marked with the red pencil giving them a more oblique axis. Then the selective grinding will be effected on the existing blue-colored angles with streaks.
Photo n° 4: The line angles of the existing tooth forms then become oblique so that the light reflection will mainly take place on these transitional angles, giving the tooth a more natural axis although we actually have not changed its real axis, the one of the implant.