Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies in Dementia Patients

Huang WL
Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Medical Acupuncture, Pain Manager. Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, Sao Paulo, Brazil
*Corresponding author: Huang WL, Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Medical Acupuncture, Pain Manager, Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Citation: WL Huang. (2021) Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies in Dementia Patients. J Neurol Sci Res. 1(2):1-29.
Received: October 01, 2021 | Published: October 18, 2021
Copyright ©️ 2021 genesis pub by WL H. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 DEED. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License. This allows others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as they credit the authors for the original creation.
Statement of the Problem: Dementia is a term for conditions characterized by decline in memory, language, and problem-solving. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the kidney energy plays a significant whole in memory.
Purpose: To demonstrate that dementia may not be associated with the brain, being only a reflex of a general energy deficiency condition.
Methods: Two case reports. First, 92-year-old female patient, Alzheimer diagnosis (2016). The patient lost the vision of both eyes in 1988 (glaucoma). The symptoms presented were: refusing to take shower, necessity of washing the hands all the time, urinary incontinence, and hallucinations. She started to treat these conditions with high-concentrated medication and started losing memory and physical energy. She started to complain of pain on the knees, back and joints. Physical therapy and exercise was not effective. TCM treatment was searched by the family. The second patient: B.N.C, 84-year-old female. Diagnosed with diabetes type 2, hypertension, gallbladder problems, headache and rhinitis, but was still able to perform daily activities normally. In 2017, she started presenting tremors, extreme fatigue and chronic urinary infection. Treatment
with antibiotics was done for months, with no improvement. Both patients performed treatment with Chinese dietary counselling, auricular acupuncture associated with apex ear bloodletting and systemic acupuncture. Both received measurement of the chakras’ energy centres, which were all completely depleted in energy, rated 1 of 8 (except the 7th that was normal). They received treatment for replenishment of the chakras with crystal-based medication and homeopathy, according to Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine created by the author. High-concentrated medications use was reduced.
Results: Both patients perceived improvement of the general state, conscience level and pain. Both patients are still being treated.
Conclusion: Dementia is only a reflex of a general energy imbalance. The reduction of all the factors that cause harm to Qi energy is important for recovery of these patients.
Dementia; Alzheimer diagnosis; Physical therapy; treatment; Traditional chinese medicine; Chakras; Brain
Dementia is a term that covers a variety specific medical conditions and it is not considered one single disease. The disorders are caused by abnormal brain changes and that is why they are grouped in the term dementia. These conditions could include Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer´s disease, dementia after brain injury or cardiac arrest, AIDS, multi-infarct dementia, etc. The changes in the brain are characterized by the reduced in the thinking skills that impair the daily life and independent function. These alterations also affect feelings, relationships and behavior [1-2]. According to Western medicine´s point of view, some of these alterations are progressive meaning that they start slowly and gradually worsen the condition [1-2]. These alterations are considered irreversible and incurable. At this moment, there is no treatment that stops or slow the progression of these alterations [1-2]. The symptoms presented by each patient can vary greatly and can start with lack of short term memory, misplacing places, forgetting dates, people, appointments and tasks. Also, they can have trouble controlling the bowels and bladder and propensity to become lost and to wander, etc [3].
The drugs treatments in Western medicine available in the treatment of dementia patients can only improve the symptoms temporary, as reported in many publications [1-3]. In traditional Chinese medicine, the factors that cause Qi and Kidney deficiency are the developers of this brain weakness and emptiness, which is the very pathology of dementia. Poor Blood circulation is the direct cause of brain emptiness. If the Spleen and Stomach functions are not strong, the body will suffer Phlegm and mucus stagnation in the meridians. Therefore, there are three causative factors for dementia in TCM: Kidney deficiency, Blood stasis and Phlegm stagnation [4-5].
To demonstrate that patients with dementia have chakras’ energy deficiencies and may not be associated with the brain itself and the symptoms could be only a reflex of a general energy deficiency condition, that could be worsening with the type of medication that he patient is using to treat all manifestations because each symptoms is usually treated by one medical specialty but all symptoms came from the same root, that are the energy deficiency in the internal massive organ, that the author will explain throughout the article .
To write this article, the author used articles indexed in PubMed about dementia in Western and in traditional Chinese medicine´s (TCM) point of view. She used some concepts in chakra energy centers in Ayurveda correlating the energy of the five massive organs in TCM to measure the patient’s internal organs energy that are important to maintain health. She also used the description of two cases reports of patients with dementia diagnosis and she will describe the chakras’ energy alterations found in these two patients and will correlate with their symptoms presented in dementia diagnosis.
Case report one
The patient was a 92-year-old female, diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. The patient was blind since 1988 due to a glaucoma condition. The patient’s family sought for the author´s help for she was acting stubborn had a necessity of washing hands all the time, urinary incontinence, and hallucinations. She started to treat these conditions with high-concentrated medication:
- Quetiapine 25mg-1 tablet per day in the night
- Memantine 10 mg-1 tablet during the lunch
- Neuleptil 40mg-2 drops in the morning and four drops in the night.
After beginning to use these medications, she started losing memory and physical energy. She started also to complain of pain on the knees, back and joints. Physical therapy and exercise were not effective.
Her Chinese medical diagnosis was Kidney Yin, Yang, Blood deficiency with Heat retention. She was submitted to Chinese dietary counseling avoiding dairy products, raw food, cold water and sweets. Also, it was recommended to avoid the ingestion of coffee, soda and matte tea. And the third and last group of foods that was orientating to avoid was fried foods, eggs, chocolate, coconut, honey, melted cheese, and alcoholic beverages.
The author was doing some auricular acupuncture sessions on her ear to balance the internal energy, using mustard seeds applied on small pieces of adhesive tapes and apex ear bloodletting to release the internal Heat formation that was causing symptoms of anxiety and irritability. The auricular acupuncture points used in the treatment will be discussed in the discussion section. She also was submitted to the measurement of the seven chakras to evaluate the energy of the internal massive organs, that the author will explain in the discussion section. This procedure is called radiesthesia and it is made using a crystal pendulum.
The result of this measurement was that all the patient’s chakras’ energy centers were in the minimum level, rated in one out of eight, with the exception of the seventh chakra, that was normal, rated in eight.
The author started to replenish the chakras’ energy centers of this patients using highly diluted medications such as homeopathies according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. The medications and the dosage and the intervals between each medication will be described in the next paragraph.
The first medication used to replenish the energy in the chakras’ energy centers were: Sulphur 30CHXX-20 (single dose), Calcareacarbonica 30CHXX-20 (single dose), Silicea 30CHXX-20 (single dose), Natriummuriaticum 30CHXX-20 (single dose), Phosphorus 30CHXX-20. The homeopathy medications were prescribed according to these sequences, with one-day hiatus between one medication and the next. After two months, these medications are prescribed again, now in 200CHXX-20 instead of 30CHXX-20, using one bottle per day during five days. After two months, the physician needs to prescribe the same sequence of medication, now in 1000CHXX-20 instead of 200CHXX-20 (total of five homeopathies in five days, one bottle per day). After two months, the same medications are prescribed but in the highest potency of 10.000CHXX-20 and finally, after two months, the physician needs to prescribe again the same medications using the same sequence but using it in a higher potency of 50.000CHXX-20.
As she was very old and in taking so many highly concentrated medications to try to improve her psychological symptoms such as agitation, irritability and other symptoms, it was not possible to perceive an improvement of her condition in the beginning of her treatment. The people who were taking care of her said that her sleep process was better, she was able to sleep more without using so many medications but as her internal energy was in the lowest level of energy, confirmed by the measurement of the chakras’ energy centers, the author would like to take out slowly the other highly concentrated medications that was harming her vital energy, and were maintaining the slow energy process.
Case study 2
B.N.C, 84-year-old female, weighting 44 kilos, sought the author´s help due to a metabolic syndrome. Her diet was composed of a lot of carbohydrates; she desires to eat a lot off food. She always had to be monitored because of her Type 2 Diabetes and severe hypertension. The patient also suffered of constant heavy headaches, rhinitis, a lazy vesicle and severe gastritis, having contracted H. Pylori several times.
She was always an active person; she walked every day, did household chores, crocheted, embroidered, sewed, did grocery shopping and lived her life normally. At the end of 2017 and beginning of 2018 she started to feel dizzy and she felt very weak, her appetite was very bad, she started losing weight, and she started to go to doctors mainly on duty and they usually said that she did not have any problems. She complained a lot about her stomach and was always very hypoglycemic. Everything she ate made her sick, she would often force vomiting because she felt that doing this process could relieve her sick stomach. Her lack of appetite lingered and at a moment all she wanted to do was lie down. Very debilitated, and dehydrated, she was unable to control glucose with normal levels, always higher than 200 mg/dl.
In the consultation with the otorhinolaryngologist she presented strong and an uncontrollable tremor in her hands and brain magnetic resonance (MRI) was requested. While waiting for the exam, less than a week, she had a significant worsening with body stiffness. MRI showed nothing significant but a stroke was expected. She was diagnosed with bladder infection and was admitted to the hospital. She did several tests but nothing would justify her condition. At that point, the patient had a bladder catheter and feeding by a catheter; she could not chew, would not speak, did not recognize people and did not move. Insulin was prescribed for her diabetes and at the hospital she stayed for 12 days. Even though the neurologist had failed to get a diagnosis he prescribed Mantidan.
She went home in a hospital bed with the tubes and urinary tract infection. With the assistance of a homecare team, after about four days of the Mantidan administration, she began to see small and progressive improvements every day. But after few months the urinary infection returned and due to the use of antibiotics, the patient was very weak with mental confusion, dizziness and lack of appetite again. She was only getting worse day after day.
She then started treatment with the author. The patient presented a lot of mental confusion, and as the effect of the medication that the neurologist had administered Donepezil, she started to have diarrhea without control. Once at the author´s clinic, she confused the bathroom and went to an acupuncture room to defecate. She was very mentally ill and used the room as if it were the bathroom, causing her a lot of embarrassment. She then started the use of adult diapers. Nowadays, she needs help with everything, bathing, walking and personal hygiene. The author measured her chakras energy centers with radiesthesia procedure.
Results of case report two
All of the six from her seven chakras’ energy centers were in the lowest level of energy, rating 1 out of 8, with the exception of the seventh chakra, which was normal, rated in eight.Since the patient was very weak energy-wise, the first thing the author did was change the diet so that she could absorb nutrients adequately, because the fifth chakra, responsible for the absorption of nutrients, was weakened; therefore, everything the patient had eating was not properly absorbing for the formation of Blood which is important for the nutrition of all cells of the body and overall health.
The foods that was orientate to eat was to use more cooked foods and drink luck warm water and avoid dairy products, raw food, cold water and sweets (the ingestion of these foods could imbalance more the Spleen and pancreas meridian or the fifth chakra maintaining the impaired absorption of nutrients and producing less Blood). Also, it was recommended to avoid the ingestion of coffee, soda and matte tea (to maintain the balance of the Kidney meridian that is responsible for the formation of Yin and Yang energy). And the third and last group of foods that was orientate to avoid was fried foods, eggs, chocolate, coconut, honey, melted cheese, alcoholic beverages (to do not imbalance the Liver and Gall bladder meridian and do not produce more internal Heat that could maintain the internal energy imbalances).
At last, the patient was prescribed treatment for replenishment of the chakras’ energies with crystal-based medication and homeopathies according to the theory created by the author entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, the same homeopathic sequence prescribed for the patient in the case report one. At last, the patient was prescribed treatment for replenishment of the chakras’ energies with crystal-based medication and homeopathies according to the theory created by the author entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, the same homeopathic sequence prescribed for the patient in the case report one.
In this article, the author uses the inspiration of Hippocrates, father of Medicine that said: It is more important to consider other ancient medical traditions prior to the knowledge we have nowadays. In other oath of him, he said; Foolish the doctor who despises the knowledge acquire by the ancients. For this reason, the author will demonstrate in this article, the different points of view between Western and in traditional Chinese medicine and also, she will use some tools used by the Ayurveda medicine to show you what she needs to demonstrate [6].
Before she begins the explanations about how dementia is formed according to traditional Chinese medicine reasoning, she will briefly say about the case that became the cornerstone of all her treatments nowadays. This case was described in several of her publications and the author will only remember the reader that she will perform the reasoning of the treatment of dementia patients based on that case reported in many articles [7-20].
The patient that the author is referring was a 70 years-old male patient treated in 2006 for pain in the legs. He was using anti-inflammatory medications with no improvement of his condition. After 10 acupuncture sessions, he said to the author that he improved from another condition that the author did not know that the patient had, that was high intra-ocular pressure for the last 40 years of treatment. After the treatment of pain in the legs using acupuncture, his intra-ocular pressure went from 40 to 17 mmHg in the first time of his life. The author did not know that this patient had glaucoma but the treatment she did, using balancing the internal energy and treating the root and not only treating the symptoms of leg pain, it was possible to improve many other symptoms that the patient had that even the doctor does not know that the patient had such symptom [7-20].
After this case, the author began to share this idea of treatment the root of the problem, that are the energy imbalances and not just the symptoms and since 2007, she is participating in so many conferences worldwide to disseminate this important knowledge about the importance to treat the root and not just the symptoms [7-20].
The explanations about leaf level and root level is always commented in all publications of the author to explain, using a tree metaphor, the different points of view between Western medicine and in traditional Chinese medicine and also, in the homeopathy’s reasoning, as you can see in the (Figure 1) [7-20].
Figure 1: Tree metaphor explaining the different points of view between Western, Homeopathy and traditional Chinese medicine.
In this tree, you can see the leaf level and the root level. The leaf level is when we treat the symptoms, and represents what Western medicine treats nowadays. In the article written by the author about homeopathy entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese medicine, she is explaining that homeopathy is treating the leaf of the tree, in the same reasoning used by the Western medical doctors, but in the case of homeopathy, the medications that they are using, could be treating the root of this tree, but nowadays, the homeopathy doctors cannot explain the reasoning behind the improvement of the patients using this kind of medications. On the other hand, traditional Chinese medicine understands that the symptoms presented by the patients are only energy imbalances that are localized in the root of this tree. These energy imbalances are caused in the majority of times by the emotional factors (excessive worry, sadness, fear, angry or excessive joy) or by the wrong eating habits’ that could leading to imbalances in the internal energy of the Five Elements and in the Yin and Yang energy, that the author will explain in the following paragraphs [7-21].
In Western Medicine’s perspective, when treating dementia or any other disease or pathology, is based on treating the affected organ and cure the symptoms. Traditional Chinese Medicine, on the other hand, sees any pathology or disease as reflex of a bigger and deeper issue, based in the energy imbalances of the patient.According to them, the symptoms are not what the physician should aim to cure, but the root of the problem, on the energy level [1-3 7-20].The treatment must be individualized, because for every patient, the root can be different. In both cases presented in this article, they were treating many symptoms, one medication for each manifestation [7-20].
Also, the author emphasizes that traditional Chinese medicine considers the influence of the external pathogenic factors in the formation of diseases that are the influences of Cold, Wind, Heat, Dryness and Humidity are the factors surrounding the tree, showed in the (Figure 1) [7-22]. There are two theories in traditional Chinese medicine that all the oriental doctors based their reasoning: Yin and Yang theory and the Five Elements theory. These two theories work in the root of the tree, showed in the Figure 1 that is usually not visible by the naked eyes [7-22].
Yin and Yang are two opposite but complementary forces that exist in all phenomena in the universe and they are considered by TCM experts the major cornerstones to understand health, the diagnosis and all the treatments, as you can see the symbol represented in the (Figure 2). They composed by some aspects of a cyclical opposites, mutually transformative and independently [7-28].
Figure 2: Yin and Yang symbol.
The aim of all treatments is to establish the harmony state between Yin and Yang, as you can see in the (Figure 3). You can see Yin and Yang in the same height in the left column and this is the situation that the author aims in all her treatments, to balance the energy of Yin and Yang. The imbalances between Yin and Yang, showed in the Figure 3,when Yin could be bigger than Yang or Yang bigger than Yin in a diverse combination, are considered the cause of manifestations of many diseases in the leaf level of the tree, demonstrated in the figure 1. For example, the symptom of Hot flashes in women in menopause is characterized by Yin deficiency or urinary incontinence in the case of Yang deficiency, among many other diseases that each energy disharmony can induce [7-28].
Figure 3: Balance stated between Yin and Yang on the left and other imbalances states that can cause the manifestation of many diseases.
There is the necessity of two other forces for Yin and Yang to flow inside the vessels and meridians that are Qi and Blood. In the figure 4, you can see the relationship be Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood and the disharmony in one energy or a combination of energy imbalances can generate the imbalance in the whole system, leading to the formation of diverse diseases [7-28].
Figure 4: Relationship between Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood.
This theory was presented by the author at the Acupuncture Research Conference that was held at Harvard Medical School in Boston, in 2015. In this study, the author showed that if the physician treats the root of the problem, that are the energy imbalances between these four forces, the doctor could treat all the patient symptom and diseases at the same time, emotional or physical, even the doctor does not know that the patient has such symptom. This reasoning came from the patient with leg pain and glaucoma, described in the beginning of the discussion section, where the author treats the leg pain only rebalancing the internal energy disharmony and after the treatment, discovered that the intra-ocular pressure of the patient improved for the first time of his life, after treating for more than 40 years with no improvement of his condition [7-28].
Yin and Yang are two energies that are produced by the Kidney or second chakra in Ayurveda medicine. Blood is the energy that is produced by the Spleen or fifth chakra. To Blood circulate adequately inside the vessels, there is the necessity of Qi that is the energy that invigorates the Blood to circulate throughout the body. These two forces are mutually dependent, because Blood nourishes Qi and Qi prevents Blood stagnation. The manifestation of lack of Qi and or Blood is very common nowadays, in many publications regarding the formation of Blood clot after vaccination of COVID 19, for example, and other clinical situations. In this case, in the article entitle Are we vaccinating immunocompetent or immunocompromised patients for COVID 19, the author is explaining that, in the research she did in her clinic from 2015 to 2020, more than 90 percent of her patients analyzed were in the lowest level of energy, in the chakras one to six, represented by the five massive organs in traditional Chinese medicine. This correlation was well demonstrated by Chase (2018) in his article entitled The Geometry of Emotions: Using Chakra Acupuncture and 5-Phase Theory to Describe Personality Archetypes for Clinical Use [29].This means that all internal massive organs in traditional Chinese medicine, such as Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung, Kidney are all in the lowest level of energy, and each organ is responsible for the formation of one energy force. In the Figure 5, you can see the correspondence between the Five Elements and the five internal massive organs in traditional Chinese medicine [7-28].
Figure 5: Five elements theory and the five massive organs they correspond in TCM.
For example, the Blood is produced by the fifth chakra through absorption of nutrients and the regulation of the flow of Blood inside the vessels is made by the third chakra that is the Heart. Qi is distributed by the Liver or first chakra and also by the Lung or fourth chakra. The Yin and Yang energy is produced by the second chakra or Kidney. The correspondence between the chakras and the Five Elements theory and the correspondence of their internal massive organs in traditional Chinese medicine can be seen in the (Figure 6) [7-28].
Figure 6: Chakras’ energy centers and the five massive organs in TCM.
The weak state of the internal organs is leading to a weakness state of the immune system of our body because the immune system depends on the energy to produce cells of protection and also, the production of Zheng-Qi, that is the energy produced by the kidney or second chakra, responsible for prevention of entrance of the external pathogenic factor invasion. On the author´s study, published on the article entitled Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID 19? [28,30]. She is demonstrating that only 2.71 % of her patients have energy in the Kidney meridian or Zheng-Qi, showing that the majority of the population that she is attending is in the immunocompromised category. But she is saying that the sample of her study could be the sample for the whole world, because all these deficiencies could be caused by the electromagnetic waves by the 5G technology, demonstrated on the same article and in the article entitled Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection [28,30] Figure 7.
Figure 7: Formation of internal Heat when there are some energy deficiencies between Yin or Yang or Qi or Blood or a combination of these energy deficiencies.
When there is some energy imbalances in one or in the combination of some of these four energy, there is the formation of internal Heat inside the body, leading to other clinical manifestations such as infections, allergy, anxiety, panic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension, gastritis, Crohn's disease, constipation, dermatitis, cancer, etc, that the author published in many of her articles demonstrating that the clinical manifestations in the leaf level could be only energies imbalances generated by energy deficiency in the root level with or without the formation on the internal Heat [7-28,30-35]. The internal Heat formation can also be caused by incorrect diet, such as the constant consumption of fried foods, melted cheese, eggs, chocolate, coconut, honey and alcoholic beverages.
And the third way to form internal Heat is through energies imbalances caused by emotional issues such as excessive angry. This emotion can cause an increase in the Liver Yang energy, leading to Liver Fire, causing increase in the internal Heat, leading in this case, in the symptoms presented by these two cases reports of irritability, anxiety, hypertension, etc. As these two patients were confirmed to have no energy in any of the chakras’ energy centers, this could be the reason that they were producing internal Heat,, leading to a diverse clinical manifestations in the leaf level. But as Western medicine treats the patient in the leaf level, and not in the root, all treatment of each clinical manifestations were treated by one medical specialty, each one given the diverse medications , usually highly concentrated medications such as anxiolytic or psychotropic medications, each one for each emotion. What the author wants to demonstrate in this article is that patients with dementia have advanced age process in which the internal organs are working less due to a normal decrease in the function of the organ with the aging. In the article written by Marangoni and Jackson, [36] entitled Age-related changes in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics: basic principles and practical applications, the authors are saying that there are decline in the renal and hepatic clearance and the increased in volume distribution of drugs that are lipid soluble, prolonging the half-life elimination of the drugs administered and alterations in pharmacodynamics of many drugs increasing the sensitivity to several classes of drugs such as cardiovascular drugs, psychotropic and anti-coagulants drugs [36].
In another article written by Jansen and Blouwers, [37] the authors are saying the importance in thinking about the increasing the population over the years, that was 11% in 2010 and they are expecting to have 22% in 2050 and 32% in 2100 [37].
These populations normally have many co-morbidities and usually uses many kinds of medications to treat their diseases. But the major challenge in this group of patients is to treat them with safety and effective pharmacotherapy and in this article, the author is explaining all this alteration in the energy level and what all these kinds of medications, used by these patients are causing harmful effects in the energy level, showed in the Figure 8, leading to major complications because they are treating in the leaflevel and all these treatments are causing deleterious effect in the root of this tree, causing in the future, with the chronic intake of these medications, the dementia symptoms or aggravating them. So, in this article, dementia is not caused by alteration in the nervous system cells but it is only a reflection of energy deficiency caused by the aging process but worsened by the intake of highly concentrated medications that each physician is treating in the leaf level and causing a decrease in the vital energy, as demonstrated in the Arndt-Schultz Law, in the (Figure 8) [7-28,30-35,38].
Figure 8: Arndt-Schultz Law.
Arndt-Schultz Law (Figure 8) was a theory created in 1888, by two German researcheres and they are affirming that the use of highly concentrated medications can reduce the vital energy of the patients or even can cause death. In the case of both patients reported in this article, all specialties that were treating each symptoms of the patient were giving many highly concentrated medications (Quetiapine, Memantine, Neuleptil in the case report one and Bisoprolol, Atenolol, Metformin, Glimepiride, Nitrofurantoin in the case report two) and for this reason, the author tried to reduce the intake the highly concentrated medications in both patients to reduce the side effects presented in the energy level that was inducing the symptoms presented by both of them in the leaf level. She tried to resolve the problems of both patients only using auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting (in the case one, to reduce the agitation and hallucination and in the case two to treat the recurrent urinary tract infection, that the patient was using antibiotics without improvement). In this specific case, the author demonstrated in two publications about this subject, that patients with recurrent urinary tract infections has energy deficiency in the chakras’ energy centers and the use of highly concentrated medications, in the case report 2, was only causing reduction even more of her vital energy, leading to formation of more internal Heat, that was maintaining the infectious process symptoms [38].
As the author usually presented in many webinars and explained in all her articles that nowadays the majority of her patients (more than 90% of them have energy deficiencies), she usually explains the importance to prescribe with caution highly concentrated medications to our patients in this new period that we are living in this planet , because the majority of the population in the world could have these energy deficiencies, leading to formation of variety of diseases in the future such as diabetes hypertension, myocardial infarction, cancer among many others chronic diseases [7-28,30-35].
In the case of both patients, all the treatments were done in the leaf level, each specialty was giving the medications to treat the symptoms but the root was still not treated, that was causing all manifestations of dementia symptoms in the leaf level [7-28,30-35]. For example, in the case report one, the patient had 92 years old, she was treating for glaucoma, had a habit of washing her hands constantly, urinary incontinence and had hallucinations [7-28, 30-35]. In all these symptoms, there are explanations on the root level of the metaphor of the tree, leading to diverse manifestation. The author is demonstrating that in all clinical manifestation in the leaf level of the tree, there are energy alterations in the root of this tree as she showed in the case of the patient that had leg pain and improved his intra-ocular pressure when the author treated the root of his symptoms and not just the leaf of the tree (the symptoms).
In the case report one, the patient had glaucoma and was using eye drops for many years. The author wrote an article entitled The Importance of Correcting Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy Deficiencies in the Treatment of Patients with Glaucoma, where she is demonstrating that glaucoma patients have chakras’ energy centers without energy correspondent to deficiency in energy in the five massive organs in traditional Chinese medicine. As the author demonstrated in many articles, the manifestation of disease in the eyes is only the symptoms but the problem is in the root of the tree, showed in Figure 1 that the doctor needs to treat also. But at that moment, the patient in the case one was only treating glaucoma using eye drops but the treatment that the author begins to introduce in this patient was to try to treat the root, together with the treatment prescribed by Western medical doctors [18].
The author did a presentation in a variety of eyes diseases webinars such as in Ophthalmology 2020 and in Ophthalmology and Optometry (both in October 2020) presenting the theme is glaucoma a local or systemic disease? Demonstrating that glaucoma is a reflection of systemic disease, due to energy imbalances, and not localized only in the eyes, as demonstrated in the article The Importance of Correcting Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy Deficiencies in the Treatment of Patients with Glaucoma [18].
The obsessive habit of washing constantly her hands had an energy alteration according to the Giovani Maciocia (2017) [39]. The energy alterations that all these patients have are deficiency in the Qi of Spleen and pancreas meridian or deficiency in the fifth chakra. The author orientates the family to avoid give to the patient dairy products, raw foods, cold water and sweets, because all these foods could be unbalancing the energy of Spleen-pancreas meridian (fifth chakra) worsening her case. And the use of highly concentrated medications used in this treatment to control this symptoms, were still maintaining the energy imbalances, according to Arndt-Schultz Law, demonstrated in the figure 8, leading the patient to not improve her energy status, as the author showed through the radiesthesia procedure, that the energy of this patient were very compromised in all her chakras’ energy centers [39].
The case report one also had urinary incontinence and according to the article entitled How to treat urinary incontinence in women without surgery written by the author [13,40]. She is demonstrating that patient with urinary incontinence also have chakras’ energy centers deficient in energy, mainly in the fifth chakras’ Qi, leading to weak energy in the second chakra, responsible for Kidney and that has the Bladder as a hollow organ. In this article, the author is showing that all internal organs are interconnected by the energy flow and the imbalance in one organ can affect the energy in other organ, showed in many of her publications such as in the article The Treatment of Asthma Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Homeopathy, where the author is demonstrating that the manifestation of dyspnea symptoms in patients with dyspnea could not be related to the Lung problem but in fact, due to the Kidney energy deficiency, leading to dyspnea symptoms in the leaf level of the tree, showed in the (Figure 1) [13,40].
In relation to hallucinations symptoms, according to Zhang,[41] in the article Current status of integrated traditional and Western medicine study on schizophrenia, the author affirmed that there are five energy alterations that can lead to hallucinations symptoms such as; [41].
1. Phlegm and Fire; [41]
2. Phlegm and Damp; [41]
3. Qi stagnation and Blood stasis; [41]
4. Yin deficiency and Fire hyperactivity; [41]
5. Other miscellaneous types. [41]
For this reason, the first step in the treatment of this patient and all her patients was Chinese dietary counseling orientating to avoid all dairy products that is important to produce Phlegm inside the body, leading to energy imbalances predisposing to hallucinations symptoms. Another kinds of foods that could induce Phlegm could be the ingestion of raw foods, cold water and many sweets [7-28,30-35]. The second group of foods that can cause Yin deficiency is the ingestion of coffee, soda and matte tea and for this reason, it was orientated to avoid this kinds of drinks to do not imbalance the kidney energy even more. And the third groups of foods that was important to avoid was the ingestion of fried foods, eggs, honey, coconut, melted cheese, alcoholic beverages, chocolate because all these foods could induce more formation of internal Heat oil Fire, important in generating hallucination symptoms in the energy level [7-28,30-35].
The author wants to emphasize in this article that the first step to regulate the internal energy flow is the changes in the dietary aspects following Hippocrates quote that said “Make your food your medicine and your medicine your food”. All the orientations in the diet were according to the energy imbalances presented by each patients and the orientations were done according to the energy of each food [6-28, 30-35,42].
Concerning losing memory, according to the article Alzheimer's Disease Treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine written by Zhu et al. [43], patients that have lack of memory could be caused by the energy imbalances of Phlegm accumulation due to Liver or Spleen deficiency, Kidney or Spleen Yang deficiency, stagnation of Qi and Blood or other energies disharmonies. According to the findings that the author showed in the radiesthesia procedure of this specific patient, all her chakras’ energy centers were in the minimum level of energy meaning that her Liver (first chakra), Spleen (fifth chakra), Kidney (second chakra) and the organs responsible for the distribution of Qi inside the body (Liver-first chakra and Lung-fourth chakra) and formation of Blood (fifth chakra), were all in the lowest level of energy. In this case, it was the reason that this patient had this evolution to all these clinical manifestations but the author wants to say that not all patients with this same deficiency will develop all these symptoms [43]. According to traditional Chinese medicine reasoning, many diseases could come from the same root and the same energy imbalances could induce many different manifestations [7-28].
When the patient in the case report 2 started to fell loss of energy, it was because the uses of all these medications to treat all these symptoms were reducing her Qi or vital energy or prana in Ayurvedic medicine. In this same situation, the author wrote another article entitled Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as the Cause of Fatigue Post SARS-CoV-2 Infection Patients Treatment, where the author is explaining that fatigue symptoms began in these patients after SARS-CoV-2 infection treatment only after the treatment using so many antibiotics or other highly concentrated medications and this is due to the fact that the use of these kinds of medications in patient with low energy in any chakras’ energy centers will worse even more the energy, leading to fatigue symptoms [44].
In the perspective of Western medicine viewpoints, the treatment is usually done in the leaf level of the tree, demonstrated in the Figure 1. The symptoms presented by the patients were treated with different highly concentrated medications such as, in her case, the use of Quetiapine that is the medication used nowadays to treat patients with schizophrenia or in the treatment of episodes of mania or depression associated with bipolar affective disorders. The second medication that this specific patient was using Memantine Hydrochloride that is the medication indicated for treatment of moderate to severe Alzheimer's disease. According to the family that were taking care of the case report one patient, were improving her symptoms with the use of this medication but on the other hand, was impairing the energy in the root level, as showed by the author, that this patient did not have any energy in any of the five massive organs, responsible for the maintaining the adequate function of all cells and systems in the whole body [45-46].
The third medication that the patient was using to treat the dementia symptoms was Neuleptil 40 mg (two drops in the morning and four drops in the night). This medication is indicated normally in the treatment of disorders of behavior and character, such as in autism that affects the social interaction and communication and the generation of repetitive actions or behaviors by the patient [47].
As you can see, the different viewpoints in the two kinds of medicine, shown in the tree like figure, can demonstrate that the treatment used nowadays, when the physician is not aware of the whole perspective of the formation of the disease in the energy point of view, can lead to impairment of the internal energy in the root because when all these medications reach the internal organs and systems of the patient, can induce more reduction of the vital energy or prana, as showed and demonstrated in many publications of the author and also, according to the Arndt-Schultz Law, showed in the (Figure 8) [7-28,30-35,38].
In this case report one, the patients were using all this kinds of medications to treat the hallucinations, and the necessity of constant washing her hands. Only after the beginning of using these highly concentrated medications, she started to have losing energy and memory. Again, in this case, the author is demonstrating that what caused the beginning of the dementia symptoms were the use of highly concentrated medications leading to the weakness state of the physical body and the lack of memory, induced by the reduction in the Kidney energy or the second chakra (as the kidney energy is responsible for memory and concentration according to TCM). But the Kidney is not independent like in Western medicine perspective and it depends on the energy of the lung that depends on the energy of the Spleen. This last organ depends on the energy of the Heart that depends on the energy of the Liver. As this patient were using medications that was harming the vital energy reducing it, the patient started to complain lack of physical energy and loss of memory [7-28,30-35].
In the case report one, the patient had many psychiatry symptoms, and was using so many anti-depressants and many other medications to control the symptoms. The medications she was using were Quetiapine Hemi fumarate, Hydrochloride Memantine, Periciazine. In the article entitled Anticholinergic and sedative medicines Prescribing considerations for people with dementia, written by Bell JS, et al. [48], they are saying that medications with sedative and anticholinergic functions can result in adverse reactions, increasing the anticholinergic and sedative load. Reducing the anticholinergic and sedative medicines can improve the cognitive functions and reducing the adverse reactions. What he said in this article was very pertinent to what the author is trying to say, that the use of highly concentrated medications can induce worsening the vital energy of the patient was could harm even more the energy of both patients described in this article that was already low [48].
She also began to feel pain in the legs, and according to the article wrote by the author entitled Why patients with knee pain still have symptoms despite the use of anti-inflammatory medications, knee is an organ commanded by the kidney and also the Liver (second ad first chakra) and as the patient was using highly concentrated medications for long time to treat another mental condition, it induced energy deficiencies that caused the formation of another symptoms that were knee pain and loss of memory [25].
The symptom of pain in the joints, in TCM, could be related to her diet, if she was ingesting dairy products, the first symptom would be pain in the joints, showed by the author in many other articles wrote by her (2020) entitled How Can You Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis without Using Corticosteroids and Immunosuppressive Medications? [49]. In this same article, they are saying that the second cause that may be leading to pain in the joints is the invasion of external pathogenic factors, such as Wind and Cold. In this case report 2 described in this article, she was very weak in energy, and her body has no defense to prevent the entry of these external pathogenic factors [49].
In relation to formation of back pain, the author also wrote an article entitled How Do You Treat Back Pain in Your Practice? [50]. Part 2, and in this article, she is demonstrating that patient with low back pain could have energy imbalances related to Kidney energy deficiency and the treatment of this condition is very important to treat the root of the problem and not just the symptoms. In the case of this patient reported in the case one, her back pain began after using highly concentrated medications also, caused by the reduction of the vital energy induced by the chronic ingestion of highly concentrated medications [50].
In relation to the second case report, the patient had the diagnosis of diabetes and hypertension before onset of dementia symptoms. According to the articles published by the author entitled Why Are Diabetic Patients Still Having Hyperglycemia despite Diet Regulation, Antiglycemic Medication and Insulin? [15,16]. Energy Alterations as the Underlying Cause of Primary Hypertension, the author is saying in both articles that what each disease have in common, in the energy point of view, is the lack of energy in the five massive organs in traditional Chinese medicine, that corresponds to the chakras’ energy centers, leading to manifestation of diabetes and to hypertension. The treatment replenishing the energy in these chakra’ energy centers are very important to reduce the consumption of medications that are used in the treatment of both diseases as they are usually treated using highly concentrated medications that, according to Arndt Shultz Law, could induce more reduction in the vital energy, leading to worsening in the energy condition state of all her internal organs, that are responsible for the production of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood to maintain health [15,16].
The patients in the second case report also have constant headaches symptoms and according to TCM, one of the most affected energy meridians is the Liver when the patient has headache symptoms. The use of highly concentrated medications to treat headache and to treat all other conditions were maintaining the energy imbalances in the root of the tree (Liver or first chakra) leading to worsening of her energy condition in the energy point of view, as all medications are metabolized in the Liver and causing more energy disturbances instead of treating it [7-28,30-35].
The tremors manifestations (second case report) were also caused by the energy deficiency in the chakras’ energy centers. In the article wrote by the author [51], Energies Alterations and Chakras Energies Deficiencies as Underlying Cause of Essential Tremors, the manifestation of tremor is only the symptoms caused by energy deficiency in the root of the tree (Figure 1) and to treat this condition, it is important to treat the cause of the problem that is in the energy level, on the root of the tree, that is the lack of energy in the five massive organs [51].
The second case reports also had chronic gastritis; always using so many medications to treat this condition using antibiotics to treat several times the Helicobacter Pylori found in her endoscopy exam but still do not have improvement in her condition. In the article Chakras’ Energies Alterations in Patients with Chronic Gastritis written by the author (2020), she is explaining that patients with chronic gastritis symptoms have in the back ground chakras’ energy centers deficient in energy, mainly in the fifth chakra that is responsible for the digestive system (stomach, spleen, pancreas, thyroid and breast) and the deficiency in energy in this specific chakra, could induce the formation of internal Heat, that was leading to the hyperemia symptoms in the stomach, commonly found in the endoscopy of all these patients and the treatment of this condition (lack of energy in the chakra energy centers) cause a reduction in the formation of internal Heat, leading to the improvement of the symptoms presented by the patients.
In this article, the author is saying that the use of highly concentrated medications to treat gastritis symptoms, could induce more reduction in the vital energy and in the energy of all massive organs and the treatment replenishing the chakra’ energy centers would be important to treat the root of the problem and not just treating the symptoms. In this same article, the author also said that the use of the inhibition proton medications could induce more propensity to evolution to cancer, as demonstrated in other articles [20].
The second case report patient also had chronic rhinitis symptoms and according to the article written by the author, [28,30,52]entitled Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Rhinitis. In this article, she is demonstrating that patients that have chronic rhinitis symptoms also have chakras’ energy centers deficient in energy and that is why; all the symptoms presented by this patient came from the same root that are chakras’ energy deficiency and proved by the radiesthesia procedure made by the author. She that found that all her chakras’ energy centers were completely weak in energy, rated in one out of eight with the exception of the seventh chakra (the spiritual chakra), that was normal, rated in eight. According to the article published by the author [28,30,52]entitled Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection, she is explaining that in the research she did in her clinic in Brazil, more than 90 % of her patient studied from 2015 to 2020 had lack of energy in all internal massive organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung and Kidney) and this means that the majority of the population that she is attending is considered immune compromised due to the fact that the immune system needs energy to maintain their proper functioning. This observation was published in the article Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID 19? [28,30,52].
In the second case report, the patient reported to be a very active person (walk every day to do exercises) and only in 2017, she began to fell dizzy and weak, having bad appetite, losing weight. She went to doctors that said that she did not have any problems due to the laboratorial exams revealed that all was normal. This situation can be explained in the Table 1, where the author is explaining that there are five phases that characterizes the evolution from health to disease. In the first three phases, there are energy alterations and the patient has symptoms, but the laboratorial exams are normal. Only in the phase four, there are alterations in the laboratorial exams but the cellular alterations are reversible and only in the phase 5, the cellular alterations are irreversible and the disease is considered incurable, showed in the (Table 1) [7-28,30-35].
Progression of health to disease |
Phase |
Organ |
Exams |
Energy Reserve |
Symptom |
1 |
Slowing down of organ functions |
Normal |
Normal |
Without critical symptoms |
2 |
Slowing down of organ functions |
Normal |
Consumption of internal energy reserves |
With Symptoms in other organ |
3 |
Slowing down of organ functions |
Normal |
Consumption of external energy reserves |
With Symptoms in same organ |
4 |
Reversible cellular lesion |
Little alterations |
Consumption of blood reserves |
Curable disease |
5 |
Irreversible cellular lesion |
Excessive alteration |
Metabolic exhaustion |
Incurable disease |
Table 1: Progression from health to disease.
According to Western medicine´s point of view, patients with cancer usually cannot return in the phase four or three. But in the article entitled The Importance of Treating Energy Imbalances and Chakras Replenishment for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer, written by the author [21,34], she is demonstrating that patients with diagnosis of cancer can be in the phase 5 and return to the phase 4 or 3, according to two cases reports that the first cured from thyroid malignant cancer and the second from the atypical pap smear exam grade IV, only rebalancing the internal energy of Yin, Yang, Qi , Blood and taking out the Heat retention using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and replenishing the chakras’ energy centers using homeopathy medications according to the theory created by her (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and using crystal-based medications showed in the (Table 2) [21,34].
Chakras |
Five Elements |
Homeopathy Medications |
Crystal Based Medication |
1º Chakra |
Wood/Liver |
Phosphorus |
Garnet |
2º Chakra |
Water/Kidney |
NatrumMuriaticum |
Orange Calcite |
3º Chakra |
Fire/ Heart |
Sulphur |
Rhodochrosite |
4º Chakra |
Metal/Lung |
Silicea |
Emerald |
5º Chakra |
Earth/Spleen |
CalcareaCarbonica |
Blue Quartz |
6º Chakra |
Water/Kidney |
Tone 2º Chakra |
Sodalite |
7º Chakra |
Wood/Liver |
Tone 1º Chakra |
Tiger Eye |
Table 2: Homeopathy medications used in the replenishment of the chakras’ energy centers and crystal-based medications.
The last symptoms that the second patient was having was the chronic urinary tract infection and it was prescribed the use of antibiotics for years but she was not having any improvement even with the use of antibiotics. In the article written by the author [21,53,54] entitled Can we Treat Urinary Tract Infections Without Using Any Antibiotics? and in another article also written by her [21,53,54] entitled Energies Alterations and Chakras Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection Resistant to Antibiotics Treatments, the author is explaining that urinary tract infection has energy alterations in the back ground with the formation of Heat retention in the Bladder that was the cause of the adherence of the bacteria in the Bladder and the treatment taking out this Heat, using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture (Figure 9) with apex ear bloodletting (Figure 10 and 11) and replenishing the chakras’ energy centers with highly diluted medications such as homeopathies medications showed in the Table 2, according to the theory wrote by her [21,53,54] entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine ,were possible to treat the urinary tract infection without using any antibiotics. In the contrary, the use of antibiotics in this case was causing reduction of the vital energy leading to more reduction in the energy of the patient that was already low, worsening the condition of the production of more internal Heat, demonstrated in the (Figure 7), maintaining the symptoms of chronic urinary tract infections that was resistance to antimicrobial medication used in the treatment, due to the fact that the use of this kind of medication, being highly concentrated, was causing energy deficiencies leading to formation of more internal Heat [21,53,54].
In both cases presented in this article, the author used the replenishment of the chakras’ energy centers to treat the dementia symptoms because the author understood that the symptoms were only the reflection of the energy deficiencies in the five massive organs that are responsible for the production of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood and the treatment of all the symptoms in the leaf level (using highly concentrated medications) were inducing more energy alteration, decreasing even more the vital energy of both patients that were already low, demonstrated in many article published by the author that the root of all formation of the majority of symptoms of each patient were the same, that was the complete lack of energy in the chakras’ energy centers [7-28, 30-35].
Figure 9: Auricular acupuncture used in the treatment of the patient with dementia symptoms.
Figure 10: Bloodletting in the urethra point to take out the Heat.
For this reason, the author began to treat her urinary treat infection only treating her energy deficiencies and orientate her family to give her only foods that not have dairy products, cold water, raw food and sweets, to do not imbalance even more the Spleen pancreas energy meridian or the fifth chakra, that was already low (responsible for the absorption of nutrients and formation of Blood). Also, it was advised to avoid the ingestion of coffee, soda and matte tea, to reduce the energy deficiency caused in the kidney energy meridian, responsible for the production of Yin and Yang energy and the last group of foods that the author orientates the patient family was to avoid the ingestion of melted cheese, chocolate, honey, coconut, alcoholic beverages, fried foods, pepper (to prevent the formation of more internal Heat that was the cause of the symptoms in the urinary tract).
This procedure was important to reduce the consumption of medication in highly concentrations by this patient to do not worse even more the energy deficiency that was causing the dementia symptoms. When the author orientated the family to take out the use of antibiotics, they became a little apprehensive about this affirmation but when they took out the antibiotics they could see that the mental state of the patient improved and she became more lucid and could smile and hear what we were saying, very different compared when she was using all her medications, completely disorientated [7-28,30-35]. In the Figure 9, the author is showing the auricular acupuncture points used to rebalance the internal energy and in the Figure 10, she used the procedure of apex ear bloodletting in the urethra point to take out the Heat, that was causing the chronic urinary tract infections favoring the adherence of the bacteria in the bladder cells [54].In the Figure 11, the author is showing how to do apex ear bloodletting to take out the internal Heat that was maintaining the infectious process symptom, in the energy point of view. This procedure is used in the treatments of diverse of infections, published by the author in many articles such as Is it Possible to Treat Community-Acquired and Nosocomial Infections with the Same Method, Without the Use of Antibiotics? And many others that are published online [7-28,30-35,49-55].
Radiesthesia is a method to access the information of animate and inanimate nature, which established resonance with their energy fields and using instruments and scale of qualitative measurements to tell the information. The method used by the author in this procedure was able to measure the energy in each chakra energy centers, using a crystal pendulum in front of each chakra. The movement presented by the pendulum at the moment of the evaluation, if clock-wise or counter clock wise will establish the result if the chakra has or no energy inside. If the crystal still without movement, this means that the correspondent chakra does not have any energy [7-28, 30-35,49-55].
In the editorial written by the author (2021) entitled Is the Population in the World the Same as in the Past? [7-28]. She is saying that the influences of the electromagnetic waves by the 5G technology and from the computers and cell phones , are inducing energy deficiencies in the whole population in the world that was not happening in the past and there is the necessity of reevaluation of the kind of medications that we are using nowadays to treat all diseases because the use of highly concentrated medications are harming the vital energy that are already low in the majority of the patients that the author is attending nowadays. This energy deficiency, if not treated appropriately, can lead to the formation of other kinds of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, myocardial infarction, strokes, the propensity to SARS-CoV-2 infections and even cancer, as showed in many articles published by the author [7-28,30-35,49-56].
Chakras Energy and Main Diagnosis |
Ages |
02-19 |
20-59 |
60-80 |
Chakras |
7 |
8 |
8 |
8 |
6 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
5 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Total of patients |
26 |
170 |
86 |
Main Western diagnoses |
Anxiety |
Anxiety |
Anxiety |
Depression |
Headache |
Knee pain |
Main Chinese diagnoses |
Yin / Yang |
Yin |
Yin |
Yin / Blood |
Yin / Yang |
Yin / internal Heat |
Yin / Yang / internal Heat |
Table 3: Results of the research the author did in Brazil showing that the majority of the patients, independently on the age group, are in the lowest level of energy, in the chakras’ energy centers.
According to the book written by Manning and Vanrenen, [7-28] entitled Bioenergetic Medicine East and Western acupuncture and homeopathy, the authors are doing the correlation of how homeopathy could be acting, and they said that the mechanism of action of homeopathy medications could be similar to how acupuncture works when patients are submitted using this tool in the treatment [7-28,30-35,49-57].
In the currently treatment of homeopathy nowadays, the treatment could be classified as in the leaf level of the tree, similarly with what Western medicine is treating, because usually is used the symptoms presented by the patients to see which medications they will use according to the theory of simillimum, presented in many books nowadays in the homeopathy field [58-59]. In the theory written by the author (2021) Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, she is treating the root of the tree (Figure 1) and if the physician treats the root, all the patient manifestations in the leaf level will be treated at the same time. This reasoning was presented in an Acupuncture Research Conference that was held at Harvard Medical School in Boston in 2015, in a study entitled Acupuncture Viewed holistically can Treat All the Symptoms at the Same Time, and even the doctor does not know that the patient has such symptom. She demonstrated this reasoning in the beginning of the discussion section, when the author told the history of the patient with leg pain and glaucoma that was her cornerstone in 2006. Using this principle, she is treating all the patients in a variety of specialties treating the root and not just the symptoms. [7-28, 30-35]. In the treatment of both patients, it was used crystal-based medications, well described in the Table 2, where each chakra is treated by each crystal and their functions are described in the publication Why Are Diabetic Patients Still Having Hyperglycemia despite Diet Regulation, Antiglycemic Medication and Insulin? written by the author [15].
What the author wants to emphasize in this article was that the use of highly concentrated medications to treat each specific symptoms presented by the patients (in the leaf level of the tree) was maintaining the energy deficiency of both patient, even when the author began the use of Chinese dietary counseling, acupuncture and began to replenish the chakras’ energy centers with homeopathies medications, their improvement in the energy level was blocked by the continuous use of highly concentrated medications, leading to a stagnation in the treatment, delaying the improvement of the condition. Even with the withdrawal of antibiotics for the treatment of chronic urinary infection of the patient in clinical case 2, there was an improvement in the mental clinical condition, despite still maintaining the other highly concentrated drugs that could still causing harm to her internal vital energy [7-28, 30-35]. Auricular acupuncture is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine and it is used in many treatments nowadays, only inserting mustard seeds in the ear of the patient. The ear is correspondent to an inverted fetus and all kinds of diseases can be treated only using this kind of therapy according to Li- Chun Huang (2005) in her book entitled Auricular Medicine [60].
To finalize, the author wants to say that acupuncture and homeopathy are two tools considered medical speciality by the Brazilian Federal Medical Council since 1995 and 1980 respectively. The author wants to emphasize that not only dementia needs to be treated in the energy level but all the treatments nowadays needs to be treated in this level because as she showed in the research that she did in Brazil, demonstrating that the majority of the patients have no energy in the chakras’ energy centers, the use of highly concentrated medications usually prescribed to treat different conditions could induce more energy deficiency leading to formations of many other different diseases in the future and could lead to dementia symptoms in the future [61].
Figure 12: Metaphor of the Yin and Yang of Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.
In the Figure 12, the author wants to show the necessity of having the two kinds of medicine in the mind to treat adequately patient with dementia symptoms because she is showing in this article, the importance of the treatment of energy deficiencies in the chakras’ energy centers, that are inducing variety of manifestations of symptoms in the leaf level of the tree. The continuous use of highly concentrated medications could harm even more the vital energy of the patient that is not considered by Western medicine nowadays, since the implantation of Flexner report in 1913 in quite all medical schools around the world [62]. In the article is the Medication used in Intubation of Patients with Covid-19 Affecting the Outcome of the Patient’s Treatment? The author is saying the importance to reevaluate the curriculum offered in the medical schools nowadays because they are teaching our future doctors to prescribe medications that could harm even more the vital energy of the patients, that is already low nowadays and worsening the symptoms instead of treating the patients [62,63].
To understand the evolution of formation of disease, demonstrated in the Table 1, is very important to understand that the physician need to act in the first three phases, before the onset of the alterations in the laboratorial or radiological level, in the phase four or five. If the doctor treat only in the phase four and five, it will be treating the patients in the very late phase, when he could prevent the formation of dementia, treating the energy deficiencies in the phase one, two or three [62,63].
The conclusion of this study is that patients with dementia have lack of energy in the chakras energy centers, which corresponds to the five massive organs in the five elements theory in TCM. The treatment of this condition replenishing the energy of this five massive organs that corresponds to the chakra’s energy centers in Ayurveda, is very important to recover and treat the symptoms presented by dementia patients. Medications that could harm more this lack of energy, such as the use of highly concentrated medications should be avoided or used only in the case that the physician does not have another option to save the patient’s life.
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