Fatimah Linda Collier Jackson
Professor of Biology and Director of the W. Montague Cobb Research Laboratory at Howard University
Advances in Clinical and Medical Research (ISSN: 2583-2778) (Crossref DOI Prefix 10.52793) [Pubmed NLM ID: 9918505288906676] is a high quality, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that publishes rigorous analysis reports from all disciplines within bioscience and medical science and research, including original, interdisciplinary, and qualitative research articles, negative results and replication studies, systematic reviews, and papers describing techniques, research on medical-related software’s, databases, or other technical tools required in the research and surgery and drugs used during the diagnosis method. The journal acts as a channel between the medical community and therefore the general population by dispersing scientific advancements in medical and clinical research and manuscripts that highlight on, however, these research advancements can change the presently followed medical techniques.
The scope of the Journal comprises a wide range of topics containing anesthesiology and pain management, biomedicinal-chemistry, clinical research, biotechnology, cardiovascular disorders, cell biology, computational biology, critical care, and emergency medicine, drug development pipelines, clinical trials, research on different advance surgery, dermatology, developmental biology, diabetes and endocrinology, epidemiology, evidence-based healthcare, gastroenterology and hepatology, genetics and genomics, geriatrics, hematology, immunology, infectious diseases, medical ethics, mental health, molecular biology, nephrology, neurological disorders, psychoneurological research, neuroscience, non-clinical medicine, nutrition, obstetrics, gynecology, oncology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, pathology, pediatrics and child health, pharmacology, physiology, public health and epidemiology, radiology and medical imaging, respiratory medicine, rheumatology, surgery, urology, and women’s health.
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Journal Impact factor: 1.0
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© 2023 genesis pub. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 DEED | Open Access
Professor of Biology and Director of the W. Montague Cobb Research Laboratory at Howard University
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Rutgers, Piscataway, NJ, USA
Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Senior Researcher at the Division of Risk Assessment Center for Biological Safety and Research National Institute of Health Sciences 3-25-26, Tonomachi, Kawasaki-Ku, Kawasaki, 210-9501, Japan
Head of Department of Pediatrics and Ped Mind Institute, Medical and Finance Center Epe, Germany
Professor at Critical Care and Emergency Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Cairo University, Egypt
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, GV Montgomery Veteran Affairs Medical Center, Jackson, MS, USA
Associate Dean-Research, Professor & Ex HOD Medicine, Sikkim Manipal University, India
Head of the Projects and International Relations Office, University of Medicine, Tirana, Albania
Professor of Biology and Director of the W. Montague Cobb Research Laboratory at Howard University
Professor of Medicine; Director, Institute of Digestive Disease, China Three Gorges University, China
University of Bamenda-Cameroon Faculty : FHS (faculty of health sciences), Department : Medical and biomedical sciences, Specialty: Medical laobarotary sciences, Cameroon
Objectives This systematic ..
Background: Cardiac function is known ..
This observational retrospective study ..
Nemaline myopathy (NM) is a rare ..
Africa faces unique challenges and ..
Background: Cardiac masses are ..
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remain ..
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Objectives This systematic review examined the relationship between cardiovascular ..
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remain the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. As ..
Background: Cardiac masses are exceptionally rare but pose the most dangerous threat to the human ..
Africa faces unique challenges and opportunities in the evolving field of anti-aging research. This ..
Nemaline myopathy (NM) is a rare condition affecting the skeletal muscles and is associated with ..
This observational retrospective study compared two anesthetic techniques—general anesthesia ..
Background: Cardiac function is known to be affected by age, gender and disease conditions. This ..
Jellyfish, belonging to the phylum Cnidaria, encompass diverse species with varying degrees of ..
The search for new substances with antifungal activities has become an urgent necessity due to ..
Much research suggests that oral health is impacted and connected to other biological factors in ..
Data science analytics can respond definitively to health disparities through an investment in the ..
Introduction: One of the major causes of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality is heart failure ..
Background: Blood transfusion plays a significant role in surgical practice, despite its sourcing ..
Background: Due to the reported adverse side effects of peroxide whitening strips, the whitening ..
Mitochondrial DNA profiles comprise some of the most inclusive and broadly representative genomic ..
Parkinson's disease involves a gradual and progressive loss of motor, communication, swallowing ..
This study aims to evaluate the aesthetic and functional outcomes of free dermal fat graft (FDFG) ..
Redefining the concept of aging is crucial for advancing gerontological research and healthcare ..
Drug-induced Parkinsonism is associated primarily with several psychiatric medicines, notably, ..
Several signaling pathways are involved in corona virus infection and cancer. The translation of ..
Fraser syndrome is an autosomal recessive genetic malformation. Diagnosis is established by ..
Legacy African American populations are highly diverse genetically and culturally. Yet they are ..
Atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, thrombosis, hypertension, and diabetes are just a few of the ..
Background: A worker’s acceptance to invest his or her time and energy in a workplace is a ..
Background: Sickle cell anemia (SCA) is a hereditary blood disorder characterized by abnormal ..
Due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19, teachers across the state of Santa Catarina adapted to the ..
Introduction: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common occupational disease. It is directly ..
Anatomically modern humans evolved in Africa ~300,000 years ago. For this reason, the evolution of ..
The underlying evolutionary genetics of African Americans in North America increases their risk for ..
Introduction: During the pandemic, evidence emerged of patients with debilitating symptoms that ..
Introduction: Sympathy for synergistic actions between bioactive substances has increased in recent ..
Cancer is the most prevalent disease worldwide that has respected no borders. Despite of the ..
The patterns of COVID-19 infection in Africa remain something of an enigma. The continent has very ..
Goal of this controlled, double-blinded, randomized in vivo study in 90 subjects was to compare the ..
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in various fields of healthcare, ..
DNA repair gene regulation is realized with the participation of epigenetic mechanisms those are ..
We report a case of a 32-year-old male who presented with acute neurological and gastrointestinal ..
Introduction The difficulty of transgender people to communicate verbally has several factors ..
Malignancy of oropharynx and oral cavity has seen a rising trend in the past 2 decades. With ..
Background: The history of accreditation is traceable to the efforts of a few educational ..
Serine peptidase inhibitor Kazal type (SPINK) is a family of serine protease inhibitors. SPINK1 is ..
Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate effectiveness of sterified hyaluronic acid ..
This study dealt with determining the Clinical and Hematological. Efficacy of Glitazones and Alpha ..
Background: Many rewarding life activities are associated with some stress, and academic activities ..
Introduction The role of physiotherapist is very important in the healthcare system of any country ..
Several molecules are involved in cancer molecular network. Pygopus family plant homeodomain (PHD) ..
Introduction: McCune Albright syndrome (MAS) is a rare pathology caused by a genetic mutation of ..
Background: Cytomegalovirus (HCMV), Epstein‐Barr virus (EBV), and herpes simplex virus type-1 ..
The orphan nuclear pathway (regulated by pyrimidine TAT and TAC kinases and OPA1 enzymes) has the ..
Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) induce anti-cancer immunity. Several reports have indicated ..
Objectives: The most common appetite/ eating problems in patients with dementia (PWD) are loss or ..
Primary Hyperaldosteronism is not an uncommon cause of secondary hypertension and labeled before as ..
This article summarizes the series of experiments done in New Zealand rabbits that developed aortic ..
The severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causes infectious disease, ..
Active Rac1 are so imp for improving cytoskeletal systems and for improving anti-inflammatory ..
Aims and objectives: The study's goal is to evaluate the cluster of differentiation 4(CD4) and ..
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is one of the common cardiomyopathies in cardiology practice ..
We present a 49-year-old female presented with recent onset of increasing forgetfulness, ..
Xeroderma Pigmentosa (XP) is an autosomal recessive disorder, affected patients are extremely ..
Several adverse events of COVID-19 vaccines have been reported, which includes myocarditis. ..
Introduction & objectives: The role of dermatopathology has expanded in the past decades from ..
Background and objectives: IgE-mediated egg allergy is commonly found in the paediatric population. ..
Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious disease in both developing and developed countries. The incidence ..
Cerebral palsy (CP) is an umbrella term that describes the consequences of brain injury during the ..
Background: Penile injuries are not uncommon in children and may be underreported. The aim of this ..
Migration of Intra-uterine devices (IUDs) a rare, yet serious complication associated with a ..
Introduction: HPV can infect basal epithelial cells of the skin or deep tissue and are categorized ..
Several studies carried out during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic revealed that oxidation stress is ..
Coronaviral infection induces various molecular network pathways. Coronavirus pathogenesis pathway ..
Ocimum gratissimum belongs to the Lamiaceae family. For its medicinal and culinary usefulness, it ..
Objectives: Destitute of an effective treatment, several potential repurposed drugs have been tried ..
RNA signaling has emerged to be focused in several diseases. Multiple types of RNAs including ..
Background: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is the first in the modern world where social distancing has ..
COVID-19 is a serious burden on the health care workers, administration and government on critical ..
Introduction: Life events or crisis are any circumstance or experience in the life of a person or ..
Background & purpose: Sexual dysfunction being an important disability of stroke, which is ..
Brief Abstract Background: With advancing age, increased susceptibility to injury and illnesses ..
HLAB27 related conditions represents a group of HLA-B27 associated disorders that are HLA-B27 ..
Background: The ravaging penetration of communities and rural populations by epidemics of new ..
Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the United States and ..
Introduction: The transformation into a chondrosarcoma of a residual nodal mass during the ..
We report two cases of abdominal stromal tumors with prolonged survival after mixed management or ..
A multidisciplinary approach for the treatment and prevention of complications is possible for KTS, ..
Chief Division of Thoracic Cardiac and Vascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Faculty of ..
Biological responses are regulated by various molecular networks. It is significantly important to ..
Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) is an orphan disease, and as such there are no rationally developed ..